Prophets: approximate dates
For some of the prophets their ministry can be dated confidently. Others with less confidence.
Eighth Century Prophets
1. Key historical data
Death of Jeroboam II, King of Israel 746
Fall of Samaria 721
Hezekiah, king of Judah 727/715 to 687
Destruction of Judah (but Jerusalem spared) 701
2. Prophets
Amos 762-750
Hosea 750-724
Isaiah 740-700
Micah 740-725
Seventh Century Prophets
1. Key historical data
Fall of Nineveh (Assyria) 612
Death of King Josiah 609
Battle of Carchemish (Babylon victorious) 605
Fall of Jerusalem 597
2. Prophets
Zephaniah 628-620
Nahum 620-612
Habakkuk 605-590
Jeremiah 608-586
Sixth Century Prophets
1. Key historical data
Fall of Jerusalem and exile in Babylon 597
Destruction of Jerusalem 587
Return from exile 538
Dedication of the temple 516
2. Prophets
Ezekiel 593-571
Isaiah School in Exile (40-55) 545-538
Haggai 520
Zechariah 520-518
Isaiah School (56-66) 515-458
Fifth Century Prophets
1. Key historical data
Greece repulsed the Persians at Marathon in 490.
Greek city states defeated the Persian navy at Salamis in 480.
Ezra came to Jerusalem in 458 and Nehemiah in 445.
2. Prophets
These prophets are the hardest to place, largely because they show no interest in history. History held out no hope for fifth century Yehud. Its prophets looked outside history for a salvation that would come through divine intervention.
Obadiah, Zechariah 9-14 and Joel appear to belong to the first half of the century
Malachi and Jonah appear to belong to the middle of the century.