Book of Wisdom (of Solomon)
TheWisdom of Ben Sira and The Wisdom of Solomon: an introductory Commentary
published by Chevalier Press in 2012, 272 pages RRP $20:00. Phone 9662 7894. Fax: 9662 1910. Email:
The author of the Wisdom of Solomon composed his work two centuries later, in Alexandria, during the Roman period. He draws on the same Jewish tradition, but he also draws on current Hellenistic philosophy with which he was very familiar. He writes in Greek, and when he covers themes found also in Sirach he uses the language, not of the Septuagint, but of the Hellenist schools. He wants his students to engage with Hellenism, but to value the special wisdom that is their patrimony as Jews.
The commentary on Wisdom can be read here by clicking below on the section that interests you: