About the Author

Father Michael Fallon is a Missionary of the Sacred Heart (MSC). Since his ordination in 1961 his ministry has been largely devoted to teaching. After ten years teaching in secondary schools, he was chaplain at the University of New South Wales in Kensington, NSW. With a licentiate in Sacred Scripture (LSS) from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, he lectured for a number of years at the then Saint Paul's National Seminary in Kensington NSW. From 1994 to 2001 he was in the parish of Henley Beach, Adelaide SA, where he contributed to Adult Education. He has ministered in Canberra ACT since 2002 in the parish of Kippax, ACT, and contributing to Adult Education in the Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn. In 2014 he moved to Saint Mary's Towers, Douglas Park, as part of the Retreat House Team.


Michael has published commentaries on all of the Books of the Old and New Testaments (see the link 'Books' in the menu at the top of this page). He has also published a 'Companion to the Catechism', a Reflection on the Psalms, 'Praying the Psalms with Jesus', and an Introduction to the Old Testament. He has lectured widely, especially on Sacred Scripture, throughout Australia, as well as in New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, India, Fiji and Israel. The Audio recordings of his lectures on many of these Books can be downloaded from this website (see the link 'Audio' in the menu at the top of this page).


Michael can be contacted by email: michaelfallonmsc@gmail.com

or by phone: 61+2 4630 0217