
A Priest after my own Heart: exploring Priestly Spirituality

published in 2001 by St Pauls Publications 61 2 93943400); out of print The book (updated) can be accessed here by clicking on the section you desire.

Retreat 1.

01. Knowing Jesus

02. Jesus, the Wisdom of God

03. Discipleship and the Church

04. Building a truly 'Catholic' Church

05. Sharing in Jesus' priesthood

06. Sharing in Jesus' Prophetic ministry

07. Sharing in Jesus' kingly ministry

08. Sharing in Jesus' suffering

09. Sharing in Jesus' prayer

Ascending Christology

Retreat 2.

Retreat 4. Inspired by John of the Cross

Retreat 5. inspired by Pope Francis' Evangelii Gaudium

Retreat 6.

01. Knowing the real Jesus

02. For everyone

03. Sharing Jesus' Suffering

04. The essentials

05. Priest as king

06. Priest as prophet

07. Heralds of the wordword

08. Priest as priest