A Priest after my own Heart: exploring Priestly Spirituality
published in 2001 by St Pauls Publications 61 2 93943400); out of print The book (updated) can be accessed here by clicking on the section you desire.
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Jesus the only priest
- 3. Priesthood of the Church
- 4. Ordained priest, prophet, king
- 5. Consecrated in Love
- 6. In a Church with a Mission
- 7. Secular Priesthood
- 8. Mediator of God's word
- 9. Prayer in a Priest's Life
- 10. Mediator of the Community's self-giving
- 11. Eucharist & Divine Office
- 12. Suffering
- 13. Celibate Love
- 14. Bibliography
Retreat 1.
03. Discipleship and the Church
04. Building a truly 'Catholic' Church
05. Sharing in Jesus' priesthood
06. Sharing in Jesus' Prophetic ministry
07. Sharing in Jesus' kingly ministry
08. Sharing in Jesus' suffering
Retreat 2.
- 01. Introduction
- 02. Jesus: king, prophet and priest
- 03. Consecrated in love
- 04. Ordained as herald
- 05. Ordained as king
- 06. Ordained as priest
- 07. Eucharist and Divine Office
- 08. Love _ the gift of self
- 09. Celibate Love
- 10. Priesthood in Church with a Mission
Retreat 3. Inspired by John of the Cross (Iain Matthew)
Retreat 4. Inspired by John of the Cross
- 01. Knowing the real Jesus
- 03. Spiritual Canticle & Living Flame of Love
- 04. The Gospel has eyes & Making Space
- 06. The Experience of God & Jesus
- 07. Prayer
Retreat 5. inspired by Pope Francis' Evangelii Gaudium
- 01.Joy in knowing the real Jesus (pdf file)
- 02. The Good News is meant for everyone
- 02a. Ecumenism
- 03. Joy and suffering
- 04. Focus on essentials
- 05. Graced to help bring about God's kingdom
- 06. Graced to mediate God's living word
- 07. More on God's Word
- 08. A priestly people
Retreat 6.
Presentations on the Word
- 1. Ministry of the Word
- 2. The Bible